Darkest Dungeon II Best Steam Deck Settings

Dive back into the decrepit depths of Darkest Dungeon II with these optimized settings.

As the eagerly awaited sequel beckons us back into its eldritch abyss, the Steam Deck emerges as the ultimate vessel for embarking on this treacherous journey. In this guide, we show you the best Steam Deck settings for Darkest Dungeon II, blending eerie atmospheres with fluid gameplay. Prepare to unveil the perfect balance of visual prowess and strategic clarity, enabling you to conquer the terrors of Darkest Dungeon II.

Darkest Dungeon II Best Steam Deck Settings

Compatibility Settings
Proton VersionProton Hotfix

Darkest Dungeon II will run out of the box, but some users have reported issues with the Steam Deck's default version of Proton. Switching to Proton Experimental or Proton Hotfox in the game's Compatibility menu fixes these problems.

Unlike its prequel, Darkest Dungeon II isn't Steam Deck Verified, so the text might be a bit hard to read and the default controls may feel a bit off. Take a look at the highest-rated community control templates. The first few make the controls feel a lot more natural.

Optimized Settings (Native@40fps | ~2h30m)

At the High preset, Darkest Dungeon II barely maintains a stable 40fps. This configuration suggests lowering the graphics to Medium to ensure you get a smooth 40fps throughout most of the game. The differences between Medium and High are barely noticeable on the Steam Deck's screen. A few areas in the game cause the framerate to drop to the 20s, but they're minor hiccups in an otherwise excellent portable experience.

In-game Graphics Options
Window ModeFullscreen Window
Graphics QualityMedium
Steam Deck Performance Menu Settings
Refresh Rate40
Framerate Limit40
Allow TearingOff
Half Rate ShadingOff
Thermal Power (TDP) LimitOff
Manual GPU Clock ControlOff
Scaling FilterLinear