Fallout 4 Best Steam Deck Settings

Fallout 4 is a truly expansive open-world experience, and the fact that it runs on Valve’s little black box still boggles us. With the Steam Deck, you can explore every inch of Fallout 4’s enormous 24,000-square-mile map in bed, on the toilet, or on the go. Check out the best Steam Deck settings for Fallout 4 to get a great wasteland experience and impressive battery life, too!

Fallout 4 Best Steam Deck Settings

Compatibility Settings
Proton Version Default
BIOS Settings
UMA Frame Buffer Size 4G

Fallout 4 runs straight out the box on the Steam Deck. You will, however, have to deal with the game’s launcher, which can only be navigated with a mouse. Hold the Steam button and use the right trackpad to make your way through the launcher and start the game.

You can also skip the launcher entirely by adding the following to the game’s launch options:


Note that some of the graphics settings below can only be changed from the launcher, so make those changes first before disabling the launcher.

Best Settings (600p@40fps | ~3h30m)

The Steam Deck can manage 40 frames per second at native resolution, but Fallout 4 is also one of the many games that benefits a lot from FSR. Frankly, the result is almost indiscernible from native resolution on the Steam Deck’s screen, and we get 3.5–4 hours of game time on a single charge, all with mostly high settings.

If you prefer a 60-frames-per-second experience, go ahead and make the appropriate changes in the Steam Deck Performance Menu Settings. Just keep in mind that you may lose up to an hour of battery time.

Launcher Options
Aspect Ratio 16:10 Widescreen
Resolutions 960×600
Antialiasing TAA (Best quality)
Anisotropic Filtering 16 Samples
Advanced Launcher Options
Texture Quality High
Shadow Quality Low
Shadow Distance Medium
Decal Quantity High
Lighting Quality High
Godrays Quality Low
Depth of Field Standard (Low)
Ambient Occlusion SSAO (High)
Screen Space Reflections On
Wetness On
Rain Occlusion On
Motion Blur Off*
Lens Flare Off*
View Distance
Object Fade ~15%
Actor Fade ~20%
Grass Fade ~15%
Item Fade ~25%
Distant Object Detail Medium
Object Detail Fade Medium
*Set to personal preference.

Steam Deck Performance Menu Settings
Refresh Rate 40
Framerate Limit 40
Allow Tearing On
Half Rate Shading Off
Thermal Power (TDP) Limit On
Watts 11
Manual GPU Clock Control Off
Scaling Filter Linear

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